According to Will Smith, he and his wife are no longer just a married couple but rather life partners.
And there are some lessons we all can learn from this couple about how to behave inside the marriage.
Both Jada and Will have good advice on everything around being married and being friends. So let us take a look at what advice they have for every married couple out there.
About Will and Jada
Will and Jada have been married for more than 20 years, and that is quite an achievement among the most famous. But according to them, they had their differences and their fights just like every other married couple in the world.
They met when Will was still married to his first wife, and Jada was in a relationship with someone else. According to Will, you should embrace the fact that people change over time, and you should not fear that.
It also does not mean everything was calm waters, and without the ups and downs of a normal relationship. People change, and marriages change, and when this happens, you need to transform and re-imagine your marriage.
Those are words used by Jada to describe how marriages change and how to cope with it all. And according to her, she thought she knew Will, but she was still learning new things after more than two decades.
We take a look at some of the lessons they give for keeping their marriage in good shape.
How You Should Fight
According to Will Smith, you should learn how to fight, and one of the ways is never to scream or swear at each other. That may seem like a simple thing, but it is not acceptable for a couple to do that to each other.
And this sounds like a good piece of advice by doing that you will show more respect towards each other.
You Must be Bold
It is essential to work together when you set goals, and they should not be about what you want for yourself. These goals must be focused on what the two of you want to get to, together, and not your own desires.
And that is an excellent way to stay focused on the fact that you are two people now and not just one person.
Always be Yourself
Another piece of advice from Will and Jada is that you should never lose yourself or try to change each other. Many times couples want to shape each other into an image of what they think someone else should be.
But this will never work because you are who you are, and that is the way you were made, and you should stay just that.
This is a piece of good advice from Will, and that is, you should start to sit back and listen to what she has to say. This might also mean putting your own will aside and working together as a couple and not just yourself.
You should agree that you will do what the other person wants to do for a couple of days and vice versa.
You Have Your Own Life
Whether you are married or not, you still have your own life to live and your personal goals to reach. People should respect each other’s dreams and preferences and support each other in those dreams and goals.
You should not feel threatened by your other half’s dreams or goals, but should instead follow your own and support your partner in theirs.
You Can Have More Than One Relationship
This does not mean you may have romantic relationships, but everyone should have their friends and family. To have friends also means relationships, and you should make time for those relationships as well.
But you should be careful to have friends that respect the relationship with your husband or wife.
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You can see that Will and Jada are in this marriage with mutual respect as well as accepting the fact that they are human. This is a good starting point, and they are both in this marriage with commitment and with their eyes wide open.
So let us learn from them that we are all human and make mistakes, but we can succeed in our relationships if we put the work in.